
Dear PSJES Families,

Welcome! Port St. Joe Elementary School is committed to making a positive impact on academic achievement and attainment of a lifelong love for learning for all students. We have a vision that our school will be a learning environment with enthusiasm, positive attitudes, respect, and 100% participation from all stakeholders. The learning environment is built around the learner. Our curriculum focuses on core subject areas, students’ backgrounds, experiences, interests, learning styles, and needs. We envision the family, the school, and the community working together in a cooperative effort and committed to the idea of helping each child to be ready to learn and to achieve his/her greatest potential. We have many organizations and programs in place that are built around our vision.

  • Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) – An organization made up of parents and teachers that provide support to meeting school goals throughout the school year.
  • School Advisory Committee (SAC) – A committee of parents and school professionals that meet throughout the school year with the goal of school improvement.
  • Accelerated Reader Program- An independent reading reward program.
  • Technology- It is our goal to ensure that each teacher and grade level is equipped with up to date technology. Each student has their own chrome book computer.
  • If you are interested in any of the organizations and programs in place at Port St. Joe Elementary School, we encourage collaboration. We are working together for our common goal- the students!  It is going to be a wonderful school year!

Port St. Joe Elementary
2201 Long Avenue
Port St. Joe, Florida   32456

Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Jessica Brock